I developed this series of day long and multi-day workshops for the Local Initiatives Support Corporation’s national Center for Commercial Revitalization to help community development corporations and local governments understand the unique challenges associated with neighborhood retail development. I delivered training courses in communities around the country including: Philadelphia, Providence, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Toledo, Jacksonville, San Diego, Seattle, Miami and Cincinnati.
Workshop topics include:
Developing a Neighborhood Retail Strategy (1 day)
Commercial District Revitalization 101 (2.5 days)
Introduction to Commercial Real Estate Development (2 days)
Developing a Retail Leasing Strategy (1 day)
Joint Ventures with Private Developers (1 day)
Financing Commercial Real Estate Projects (1 day)
Negotiating Commercial Leases (1 day)
Evaluating Commercial Tenants (1/2 day)
Commercial Property and Asset Management (1 day)
Overview of Commercial Real Estate Development (2.5 hours)
Overview of Commercial District Revitalization (2.5 hours)